The Importance of Logos in Marketing

Some brands have logos that stick with you. How does something so simple give so much value to a product or service? 


There’s a lot behind designing and implementing a logo. That’s why your five-year-old is not designing it. 

Experience, strategy, and logo design principles are critical for creating a logo that “seals the deal” for a truly marketable brand. 

Here, I will discuss the importance of a logo for your marketing efforts, no matter which brand or service you want to promote. 

What Is a Logo?

Logos are one of the oldest forms of visual communication and they are a fundamental aspect of any visual identity. 

What is a logo? A logo is a graphic representation that is meant to connect with a brand, entity, or endeavor in such a way that an audience can recognize the connection effectively and consistently. 

A logo achieves this connection by using text, icons, and graphic elements, such as color or shapes, in a meaningful and strategic way

Logos are used ubiquitously and are part of any serious brand or entity. 

As author Robin Landa says, “a logo is the single graphic design application that will be a part of every other brand design application.” 

In other words:

A brand’s logo consistently appears in all other branding or advertising efforts, including business cards, websites, advertisements, banners, etc. 

That is: 

A logo is probably the most important aspect of a brand’s identity. 

Why Are Logos Important? 

As one of the oldest forms of graphic communication, the first versions of a logo have been around for centuries, with the first modern logos dating back to the 1800s. 

Today, logos are one of the most important aspects of a brand.  

Why is a logo important?

In today’s visual culture, in which images are the main form of communication, logos are the only way brands can distinguish themselves from all the noise and competition out there. Without a logo, a brand is unable to convey its identity, purpose, and nature. 

This means that a logo is such an important and ubiquitous aspect of brand identity that it will be contained in every marketing application. 

So, a logo will be shown on any visual effort by a brand, such as websites, business cards, stickers, pins, etc.

In sum, logos are important because they: 

  • Convey a brand’s meaning and purpose
  • Differentiate a brand from the competition 
  • Communicate quickly and effectively abstract ideas about a brand, such as a feeling or emotion, that would otherwise be too difficult to convey 

What is the Importance of a Logo in Marketing? 

In terms of marketing, a logo is a visual mark that represents the nature and objectives of a brand in order to connect with the expectations and desires of a consumer. Logos are critical to a brand’s equity. A good logo can make the difference between an average brand and an unforgettable one. 

Logo theory and principles are important for marketing because they guarantee a thoughtful identity design for your brand. 

Simply put: 

A logo in marketing is an important element for persuading your client to want to purchase your product or service. 

The Role of a Logo in Your Marketing Efforts

When I think about the role of a logo in marketing, I think of brands such as Nike or Apple

I know that these examples are referenced a lot, but there’s a reason for that.

Photo by Danilo Capece on Unsplash.

In order to get countless customers to become walking billboards or sell your products at a higher price range than any of your competitors, you’ve got to have a flawless application of design principles in action. 

It’s hard to understand the value of a well-designed logo. Today, there are many tools through which you can whip-up some graphics that resemble a brand identity in a couple of minutes. 


Designing a logo takes strategy, expertise, and a lot of work. 

Big companies know this and pay handsomely for designers or branding agencies to develop a robust identity aligned with their services and products. 

Believe it or not, the most expensive logos in the world have cost hundreds of millions of dollars. 


In their book Persuasive Imagery, Linda M. Scott and Rajeev Batra explain:

“Well-known trademarks, logos, and other corporate identity designs […] are valuable assets of the companies that own them and an integral part of the persuasion efforts.”

Once you have a solid brand identity, it’s essential that you make it as concrete as possible so that your customer can connect with it. 

The relationship between your logo and your product or service needs to be noticeable: 

It should uphold the promise of what you’re marketing. Otherwise, it won’t be successful.

How Your Branding and Logos Influence Your Marketing Strategies

Can you imagine a luxury brand announcing a big sale the way a retailer does? 

Think about the promotional materials for each of them. They should not, and would not, look the same. 


When we think about strategies to market our products, we need to keep our branding identity top of mind. 

Photo by Dyana Wing So on Unsplash.

Inconsistency is a bad practice for any brand. 

That’s why designers need to think through all the potential applications of a logo and the additional elements that make up the brand to accommodate various strategies. 

Let’s take the idea of differentiation, for example:

How can you ensure your business is offering something different in a very competitive industry? 

One effective way to be different is to look different. 

That is: 

Through the distinct visual communication of your brand’s values, objectives, or purpose, you can stand out from the competition. 


Great design elevates a brand. You can be a small brand on the rise, but you can look big, sophisticated, and distinct through careful design and branding.  

When using design elements to create a brand that stands out, It’s imperative to be mindful and purposeful. 

Once the branding and logo are fleshed out, the marketing strategies you employ should aim to accomplish the ultimate goal of a brand: To gain an enduring position in the market. 

As outlined in the book Marketing Theory:

“Marketing strategy sometimes claims to provide an answer to one of the most difficult questions in our understanding of competitive markets: How to recognize and achieve an economic advantage which endures.”

In other words: 

To keep your business going, you need a robust, well-designed logo and brand identity that is relevant to the product or service you’re offering but that also pairs up well with the application of relevant marketing strategies.

The Importance of Logo Psychology for Your Brand  

The bulk of the decisions made by a designer when crafting a logo are determined by how the logo will influence the customer’s mindset.  

More importantly: 

This has to be accomplished by including only the right elements that will give the logo enough context for it to be easily understood. 

Simple forms and design elements, such as shapes and colors, are examples of how a brand can represent different ideas and concepts, despite their seeming simplicity. 

For instance: 

It’s no surprise that fast-food restaurants use warm colors, such as red and yellow, in their branding identity. These colors are proven to elicit intense feelings that attract customers to crave the food, even if it’s not healthy.

Photo by Fernando Andrade on Unsplash.

Another excellent example of heavily used colors in marketing come from the banking and financial services industries. 

Colors such as blue, green, and red are prevalent in top banks and asset management companies as they ensure trust, expertise, and credibility. 

In terms of design, I must highlight that every aspect of designing a logo must stay true to what the service or product offers its customers. 

Importance and Purpose of Logo Theory in Marketing 

Marketing without a logo is like sailing a boat without a compass. There would be no direction. 

It doesn’t matter how simple your brand identity is: A logo should be the brand’s heart. 

That is:

An effective logo is able to represent the core aspects of a brand. 

How, then, to visually capture a brand’s essence? 

Enter logo theory and principles

Take the principle of longevity, for instance: 

When making decisions about the look and feel of your logo and your brand, it’s essential to recognize what’s a fad and what’s long-lasting. In this sense, the most robust brand identities are those that are timeless.

Photo by Daniel Zacatenco on Unsplash.

A great example of a timeless logo is Stella Artois. It’s one of the oldest logos in the world, dating back to 1366. 

Several centuries later, the company still uses its original logo, and the product is top-rated globally. 

Marketing without a logo is like sailing a boat without a compass. There would be no direction. 

Essential Services and Tools for Logo Marketing 

Before you can market your brand, you need to develop one. If you have no clue how to do this, don’t worry! 

Here’s a list of services and tools, paid and free, that would help a small business, solopreneur, or small content marketer achieve their goals of creating and positioning their brand identity in their niche or market.

Promotional Branding


GG-JJ is a platform that specializes in promotional branding and physicals assets for your marketing efforts. Through their self-service page, you can order branded goods such as custom stickers, pins, and patches, among many other options. You don’t need a minimum quantity to order through them and they offer affordable options.

Logo Design and Marketing Software

If you are on a budget or have some design skills, you could use a design platform to create your brand identity and marketing applications. The good thing about these platforms is that they are designed to automate many processes and provide images, icons, and other assets that you can directly use in your campaigns.

  • Canva 
  • Snappa
  • Looka

Outsourcing Marketing and Logo Design

One proven way to develop your brand identity is by employing a professional designer. Thankfully, you don’t have to spend a fortune on an advertising agency to create your brand identity. Today, there are platforms through which you can hire qualified, affordable professionals to create logos and other marketing applications. Here are some of the most well-know freelancer platforms out there:

  • Behance
  • Dribbble
  • LinkedIn
  • Upwork 
  • Fiverr

Other Logo and Brand Identity Considerations

Here’s a basic checklist for your brand identity efforts:

  • A skilled designer and/or brand design agency
  • Graphic design software (Adobe is the most popular, but with Sketch and other programs, there’s a little more variety nowadays)
  • Budget for core assets (such as purchasing a font, for example)


Keep in mind that a solid brand identity package should have the following:

  • Logo assets for use across channels (offline & online)
  • Brand guidelines with the following sections:
    • Rationale/concept
    • Color palette
    • Typography
    • Pre-defined templates (presentations, social media, stationery, audiovisual)
    • Creative direction (photography, illustration)

Once you have a defined branding identity, the next step is to start getting some exposure. 

A straightforward way to do this is by creating social media profiles on platforms relevant to your audience. 

It’s also essential to define your media channels based on what makes more sense for your brand. 

Your channels must be able to get a straightforward message to your ideal audience. Age, location, and other socioeconomic factors will significantly impact how a brand should present itself to its customers.  

In A Nutshell

To wrap up:

  • Designing a logo and brand identity is hard work.
  • It’s essential to have a solid, robust identity representing your brand’s values to market your product or service.
  • It’s important to consider how formal elements such as shape and color influence your customer’s behaviors. 
  • Marketing without a defined identity can be counter-productive. A logo is the heart of your brand.
  • When designing a logo and brand identity, it’s essential to think through the marketing strategies relevant to the brand in the future. 
  • You can consider an MVP approach for your identity, but it shouldn’t be final. Seek professionals to help you build a memorable brand and also market it thoughtfully.

Next steps:

  • Make sure that you define your business idea, problem to be solved, and ideal client before designing your brand identity.  
  • Don’t wait until you have it all figured out to start “testing the waters.”
  • Enjoy the process! Designing a brand identity is a beautiful project, and it can be enjoyable if you’re working with the right people.

And before you go, leave a comment below with your thoughts about logos and marketing.

About the Author:

Ruben Ramirez teaches digital media in college and started Self-Made Designer to share his knowledge of graphic design. He is also a self-taught designer.